IADR 95th

-73-Planmeca-Promax3D CBCT2737 Designing a Head Alignment Device for Dental Cone-Beam-Computer-Tomography (CBCT)Poster Presentation3:45 PM–5:00 PM Mar 24, 2017CC, First Floor Authors:Authors:Mohamed Omran(Presenter)southern IlinoisUniversityM. Garcia, southern IlinoisUniversityCyril Pandarakalam, southern IlinoisUniversityDebora Dixon, southern IlinoisUniversitySinanOnal, southern IlinoisUniversityCemYaba, southern IlinoisUniversityAbstract: Objectives: Describe our methods for measuring changes in alveolar bone, evaluating the measurement sensitivity during the CBCT image acquisition. Based on this analysis a head alignment device will be designed to keep patient’s head at the initial position for accurate assessment of the bone levels.Methods: A head mannequin that has full set of teeth and adjustable jaw, and Planmeca-Promax3D CBCT machine were used for the experiment. For reference points, two 5mm metal spheres 3D CBCT machine were used for the experiment. For reference points, two 5mm metal spheres were placed, one between teeth #8 and 9 and the other one between #20 and #19; a third sphere was positioned on the height adjustable fixture, it was installed to the machine in order to make it substantive from the model and used as another reference point. To illustrate the image acquisition, after each scan was taken, the mannequin was removed from the machine and repositioned for the next scan. The side and front views of the images (Digital-Imaging-and Communication-in-Medicine DICOM) acquired from the scan, were exported as tiff format to perform variance analysis based on extracted coordinates.Results: 36 different scans were collected to perform variance analysis for this study. The results Results: 36 different scans were collected to perform variance analysis for this study. The results of the analysis show that changing the mannequin’s position at each time and trying to obtain the same position at each assessment was almost impossible and significant difference was found between measurmentsConclusions: Developing a method to keep the patient in the same position for a CBCT image acquisition is still a challenge. A head alignment device needs to be developed considering the results of this studyDisclosure Statement:The submitter must disclose the names of the organizations with which any author have a The submitter must disclose the names of the organizations with which any author have a relationship, the nature of the relationship, and the clinical or research area involved. The following is submitted: NONEI have read the IADR policy on licensing.Signed by Mohamed OmranReprinted with permission from the Journal of Dental Research, J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A):-73-abstract number 2737, https://iadr2017.zerista.com/event/member/336753, 2017

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