IADR 95th

-20-EQUIA, Fuji II LC3252 Effects of Aging on Properties of Restorative Glass IonomerCementsPoster Presentation11:00 AM–12:15 PM Mar 25, 2017CC, First Floor Authors:Authors:KunalChander, University of British ColumbiaKaren Campbell, University of British ColumbiaRicardo Carvalho(Presenter)University of British Columbia Adriana Manso, The University of British ColumbiaAbstract: Objectives: To examine the effects of artificial aging on shear bond strength(SBS) to dentin, Objectives: To examine the effects of artificial aging on shear bond strength(SBS) to dentin, flexural strength(FS) and diametraltensile strength(DS) of four restorative glass ionomercements.Methods: Sound extracted molars were ground to a flat dentin surface, assembled in a circular mould, and randomly divided into four groups: FujiIILC(FLC), Equia(EQ), KetacNano(KN), and KetacMolar(KM). For each dentin surface, two glass-ionomercylinders were bonded (UltradentJig). Specimens were stored in artificial saliva (37°C) and tested at 24-hour and 6-month. Flexural strength bars (25mmx2mmx2mm) and diametraltensile strength discs (4mmx2mm) for each material were fabricated, stored in artificial saliva (37°C), and tested at 24-hour and 6-each material were fabricated, stored in artificial saliva (37°C), and tested at 24-hour and 6-month. An additional flexural strength study was conducted with glass ionomerspecimens stored either in distilled water or artificial saliva (37°C), and tested at 24-hour and 2-month. Data were analyzed in a two-way ANOVA (p<0.05) with post-hoc Tukey’stests to compare interactions.Results: Shear bond strengths were stable after 6-month storage, however a significant decrease was observed for KN. There were no significant differences in SBS among the glass ionomers, except for KN at 6-month storage. The DTS did not change significantly after aging except for FLC group (Table 1). The FS increased significantly after aging in all groups (Tables 1 & 2) regardless of the storage media (water or saliva). Storage media did not affect FS of glass regardless of the storage media (water or saliva). Storage media did not affect FS of glass ionomermaterials (Table 2). FLC group presented significantly higher DTS and FS compared to other groups (Tables 1 & 2).Conclusions: Restorative glass ionomercements presented stable dentin bonds, except for KN. Flexural strength improved over time for all glass ionomers, regardless of the storage media. DTS did not change over time, except for FLC. Overall, FLC demonstrated superior mechanical properties compared to the other materials studied.Table(s):24-HOUR6-MONTH24-HOUR6-MONTH24-HOUR6-MONTHKetac Nano6.8(4.8)a,A4.4(3.7)b,A16.0(3.8)a,B30.2(15.6)b,B10.3(1.9)a,B12.2(2.9)a,BKetac Molar4.0(1.8)a,A3.6(2.1)a,A6.2(1.2)a,C18.3(4.8)b,C8.4(2.8)a,B9.9(2.4)a,BFuji II LC7.6(4.2)a,A7.0(5.7)a,A23.2(7.7)a,A50.4(6.0)b,A19.9(4.0)b,A22.1(3.1)a,AEquia4.8(2.1)a,A5.7(3.2)a,A11.5(1.5)a,BC21.8(4.3)b,C9.9(2.7)a,B11.6(3.3)a,BDIAMETRAL TENSILE STRENGTHMATERIALSHEAR BOND STRENGTHFLEXURAL STRENGTHDisclosure Statement:The submitter must disclose the names of the organizations with which any author have a relationship, the nature of the relationship, and the clinical or research area involved. The following is submitted: There is no financial interest with the organizations whose products were evaluatedI have read the IADR policy on licensing.Signed by Adriana MansoEquia4.8(2.1)a,A5.7(3.2)a,A11.5(1.5)a,BC21.8(4.3)b,C9.9(2.7)a,B11.6(3.3)a,BReprinted with permission from the Journal of Dental Research, J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A):-20-Signed by Adriana Mansoabstract number 3252, https://iadr2017.zerista.com/event/member/336454, 2017

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