IADR 95th

-14-EQUIA Forte3453 ART Proximal Restorations Using Encapsulated GIC -RCTPoster Presentation11:00 AM–12:15 PM Mar 25, 2017CC, First FloorAuthors:CintiaSaihara(Presenter)University of São PauloIsabel Olegario, University of São PauloClarissa Bonifacio, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA)Daniela Raggio, University of Sao PauloAbstract: Abstract: Objectives: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the occlusal-proximal restorations survival rate performed by ART, comparing two encapsulated glass ionomercements: EquiaForte (GC Corp) and Riva Self Cure (SDI).Methods: The register in Clinical Trials is NCT02730000 and Ethical Board approval is 1.608.416. One hundred and fifty-one (151) patients from 4 to 8 years old presenting occlusal-proximal caries lesions in primary molars were selected in the city of Tiete / SP. Patients were randomized into two groups and treated in accordance with the original ART, in a school setting. The into two groups and treated in accordance with the original ART, in a school setting. The restorations were evaluated after 1 month by a trained evaluator (Kappa = 0.97). To analyze the results, it was used the Kaplan Meyer test, log rank, and logistic regression to compare outcome and associated variables. The significance level was set at 5%.Results: After 1-month follow-up, the overall survival of the restorations was 85.43%. Survival rates for group Equiaand Riva, were 88.2% and 82.7%, respectively. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the materials (OR = 0.64, CI 0.25 to 1.60; p = 0.341). The other variables: operator, caries experience, restored surface, volume of the cavity, plaque index, gingival general health and the treated tooth, also showed no significant differences.gingival general health and the treated tooth, also showed no significant differences.Conclusions: There is no difference in clinical success among Riva and Equiaafter 1-month follow-up in approximalcavities in primary teeth.Student PresenterDisclosure Statement:The submitter must disclose the names of the organizations with which any author have a relationship, the nature of the relationship, and the clinical or research area involved. The following is submitted: NONEfollowing is submitted: NONEI have read the IADR policy on licensing.Signed by CintiaSaiharaReprinted with permission from the Journal of Dental Research, J Dent Res 96 (Spec Iss A):-14-abstract number 3453, https://iadr2017.zerista.com/event/member/336593, 2017

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